Technologies for
Supply Chains

Supply Chain

Über uns

Die Barkawi Gruppe entwickelt und vermarktet Software und digitale Dienstleistungen zur Steigerung der Effizienz und Nachhaltigkeit globaler Lieferketten. Aus Produktideen entstehen Unternehmen, die von der Gründung, über mehrstufige Wachstumsphasen, bis hin zur Reife, von der Barkawi Dachgesellschaft betreut werden. Mit unseren Technologien leisten wir einen Beitrag zur Etablierung transparenter Lieferketten und zur Schonung von Ressourcen.

Barkawi wurde 1994 in München gegründet. Was vor 31 Jahren mit einer auf Supply Chain Management spezialisierten Beratungsfirma begann hat sich sich zu einer Gruppe von innovativen Technologie- und Serviceunternehmen entwickelt. Die Beratungseinheit, Barkawi Management Consultants, wurde 2018 an das börsennotierte Unternehmen Genpact verkauft (NYSE:G). Die zum Zeitpunkt des Verkaufs weltweit für internationale Konzerne tätigen 250 Berater sind das Fundament der heutigen Genpact Supply Chain Sparte.

Die Unternehmen der Barkawi Gruppe haben Supply Chain Lösungen für mehr als 500 globale Kunden in über 100 Ländern konzipiert und umgesetzt. Im Fokus stehen dabei Innovationen und nachhaltige Verbesserungen in den Bereichen Planung, Einkauf, Produktion, Distribution und Aftersales für nahezu alle Industrie- und Handelsbranchen. Mit 1.200 Mitarbeitern und 50 Nationalitäten ist Barkawi in 15 Büros in Nord-und Südamerika, Europa und Asien tätig.






Blue Chip Kunden


Investiertes Kapital


Weltweite Standorte

From Seed
to Scale


Barkawi ist seit Jahrzehnten sowohl beratend als auch operativ in den Bereichen Konzeption und Implementierung sowie Betrieb und Steuerung komplexer Lieferketten tätig. Aus den zahlreichen, internationalen und branchenübergreifenden Einsätzen enstehen kontinuierlich neue Ideen für innovative Produkte und Lösungen, deren Marktbedarf sich aus konkreten Kundenanfragen und/oder erkennbaren Prozess- und Systemdefiziten verschiedener Supply Chain Segmente ableiten lässt.

Die Gründungs- und Frühphasenfinanzierung (Seed, Series A) erfolgt über die Barkawi Dachgesellschaften, Barkawi Holding und Barkawi Technologies. Weitere Wachstumsfinanzierungen werden meist gemeinschaftlich mit Investitions-Partnern vorgenommen. Hierzu zählen renommierte Kapitalgeber aus den Bereichen Venture Capital und Venture Debt.

Das Portfolio der Barkawi Gruppe umfasst Software (SaaS) Unternehmen, Systembetreiber, 4PL Dienstleister und Entsorgungsunternehmen. Das Leistungsspektrum umfasst zum Beispiel das Ersatzteilmanagement für Agrar- und Baumaschinenhersteller, die Garantieabwicklung für Konsumelektronikgeräten, Steuerung von Gefahrguttransporten, die Wiederaufbereitung von Smartphones, das Recycling von Telekommunikations-Infrastruktur und das Management von Beständen in der Nahrungsmittelindustrie.

Barkawi Management Consultants has been a leading supply chain consultancy with 250 consultants and regional head offices in Atlanta (US) and Munich (Germany). BMC supported international clients in setting up and optimizing global supply chains. Digital transformation projects included the selection and implementation of best-of-breed supply chain technology. The firm was founded in 1994 and sold to Genpact in 2018 where it has been fully merged with Genpact’s supply chain business unit. Genpact is a global professional services firm with $ 4 bn in revenues and 100.000 employees listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE:G).

Contact: Dr. Andreas Baader, SVP Genpact Business Line Supply Chain Management

B2X Care Solutions is a Munich-based tech-enabled provider of aftersales and customer care services established in 2007. B2X manages a global network of 500 service partners to provide in-warranty and out-of-warranty services for large consumer electronics brands such as Samsung, Xiaomi and Apple. Services include value-added logistics, repair, field service, call management and web-support. The technology core is B2X ONE, a platform connecting demand and supply of customer care services for mobile and consumer electronics, computing and office devices, POS, payment and kiosk systems and e-scooters. Over the past 15 years, B2X has established a worldwide service coverage in 140 countries.

Contact: Alfons Krauthausen, CEO B2X Care Solutions

Teqport Services is a specialized industrial asset recovery company established in 2007 with headquarters in Solingen, Germany. Teqport recovers secondary materials from telecommunication infrastructure networks. These materials include copper from cables which are replaced by fibre and various hardware components used for landline and mobile transmission. Recovered materials are either recycled or refurbished and routed to secondary usage. Teqport acts as general contractor in charge of decommissioning, disassembly, recovery, logistics, data deletion, safety and environmental protection. In the past 15 years, Teqport has processed 160.000 tons of valuable raw materials such as gold, silver, palladium and copper and has been a strong promoter and contributor of the circular economy.

Contact: Lutz Arnold, Managing Director Teqport

Teqcycle is a leading provider of trade-in solutions for pre-owned mobile devices established in 2013 with regional head offices in Munich, Germany. In 2023, Teqcycle was acquired by Foxway, a leading provider of circular tech services with revenues of € 700M and headquarters in Sweden. Teqcycle, now Foxway Germany, manages the entire value chain, from purchasing used devices, grading, screening, testing and data deletion through to refurbishment, repair, logistics and resale. Teqcycle has already extended the life time of more than 1 million mobile devices thereby avoiding carbon emissions. Teqcycle partners with the largest European telecommunication carriers and worldmarket-leading smartphone brands.

Contact: Christopher Wuetz, Managing Director Western Europe @ Foxway Recommerce

ClearOps is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company established in 2016 with offices in Munich, Lisbon and Atlanta and live applications in 30+ countries across the globe. ClearOps connects supply chain management systems of manufacturers with their distribution network, i.e. subsidiaries, third party dealers, importers etc. The solution is a powerful enabler of improved aftersales performance, e.g. better parts availability and reduced inventory levels. Over the past years, ClearOps has connected more than 2,000 dealers, integrating 50+ common dealer management systems and managing 5m+ SKUs worth > €1bn. Industries served include construction and agricultural machinery, material handling and power tools.

Contact: William Barkawi, CEO ClearOps

ketteQ is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company established in 2020 headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The company provides a digital supply chain planning & automation platform built on Salesforce and AWS for maximum visibility, configurability, scalability, and security. ketteQ offers supply chain organizations extended capabilities through a suite of microservices offering incremental improvements to fill in the gaps of legacy systems, or upgrade to a fully integrated and automated sales and operations planning platform built on Salesforce and AWS.

Contact: Mike Landry, CEO ketteQ

star/trac is a technology provider of hardware and software for intelligent transport management and efficient supply chain control on chemical, logistics and industrial sites. The company has been established in 1998 in Munich, Germany and runs technology hubs in Debrecen, Hungary. Solutions include industrial yard management, slot-booking and management, contactless factory access, in-plant transport control and optimization of on-site logistics. Star-trac’s client base include world leading chemical companies with Europe’s largest industrial sites.

Contact: Clemens-Till Weber, Managing Director star/trac

Trusted Carrier is a cloud-based provider of transport data which has been co-founded in 2021 together with the German Transport and Logistics Association (BGL). The suite of solutions includes the digitization, validation and verification of data pertaining to freight forwarding entities, transport vehicles and truck drivers. Shippers and forwarders benefit from accelerated transport processing, more efficient use of driver time and increased vehicle capacity utilization. The company is headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany.

Contact: Hans Maier-Dech, Managing Director Trusted Carrier

Values &


Die Barkawi Gruppe beschäftigt 1.200 Mitarbeiter, die weltweit an 15 Standorten tätig sind – in den USA (Atlanta), Brasilien (Sao Paulo), Costa Rica (San Jose), Frankreich (Paris), Deutschand (München, Frankfurt, Solingen), Polen (Warschau), Portugal (Lissabon), China (Peking), Indien (Mumbai) und Vietnam (Ho-Chi-Minh- City). Das globale Team vereint die Leidenschaft für die vielseitigen Disziplinen im Bereich Supply Chain Management und der Wunsch nach unternehmerischem, ergebnisorientiertem und nachhaltigem Handeln.

Das globale Management Team besteht aus den CEOs und Geschäftsführern der Portfoliounternehmen sowie den Führungskräften der Barkawi Dachgesellschaften.

Alfons Krauthausen

Alfons Krauthausen

Carena Barkawi

Carena Barkawi

Clemens-Till Weber

Clemens-Till Weber

Dr. Andreas Baader

Dr. Andreas Baader

Dr. Hendrik Elsäßer

Dr. Hendrik Elsäßer

Hans Maier-Dech

Hans Maier-Dech

Karim Barkawi

Karim Barkawi

Lutz Arnold

Lutz Arnold

Mike Landry

Mike Landry

Robert Kunze

Robert Kunze

Sebastian Neubeck

Sebastian Neubeck

Tobias Rzychon

Tobias Rzychon

William Barkawi

William Barkawi

Alfons Krauthausen

Alfons Krauthausen


Alfons became CEO of B2X in 2019. His global role includes the responsibility for all legal entities in Europe, Asia, North- and South America. Alfons leads the transformation of B2X from a traditional BPO company in the mobile industry to a platform technology provider (PaaS) for integrated post sales services across industries. Prior to joining B2X, Alfons held executive positions at multi-national service-, repair- and logistics companies such as CTDI, Regenersis and ComputaCenter.

Carena Barkawi

Carena Barkawi

CEO - Barkawi Holding

Carena was Managing Partner at Barkawi Management Consultants until the company was sold to Genpact (NYSE:G) in 2018. As a board member she is actively engaged in selected Barkawi Group companies (Teqcycle, ClearOps, star/trac). She oversees Group Technology and HR. Prior to heading Barkawi Holding, she was Senior Consultant at Roland Berger and founded and ran a recruiting professional services firm. Carena holds a degree in economics from the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich.

Clemens-Till Weber

Clemens-Till Weber

Managing Director - star/trac

Clemens is in charge of Operations and Product Management. He co-founded star/trac together with Barkawi Holding in 1998. Previously, he was consultant at Barkawi Management Consultants. Prior to joining Barkawi Group and establishing star/trac he worked in the automotive industry in Italy. Clemens studied at Technical University of Munich and Tulane University of New Orleans and is a graduated engineer in mechanics and process technology from University of Paderborn.

Dr. Andreas Baader

Dr. Andreas Baader

CTO Barkawi Group

Andreas oversees the technology competence and strategy of the portfolio companies in the Barkawi Holding. In his role, he plays an active part in developing technology skills, selecting tech stacks and driving the fundament for innovation and execution. Before becoming member of the holding, Andreas was SVP of Genpact in charge of the SCM offerings. He was a long term consultant and managing director of Barkawi Management Consultants and started his professional life in SAP.

Dr. Hendrik Elsäßer

Dr. Hendrik Elsäßer

Investment Director

Hendrik joined Barkawi Group in 2020 as Manager Global Ventures. Prior to joining Barkawi he developed deep expertise in Logistics, Operations and Strategy Development while working as a Management Consultant on international assignments. Hendrik holds a PhD in logistics and studied industrial engineering (Dipl-Ing.) at TU Berlin and Lund University.

Hans Maier-Dech

Hans Maier-Dech

Managing Director - star/trac

Hans is in charge of Sales, Marketing and Finance. He co-founded star/trac together with Barkawi Holding in 1998. Previously, he was consultant at Roland Berger and Barkawi Management Consultants. Prior to establishing star/trac he was Managing Director of MTS, a packaging logistics company of Schoeller Group. Hans holds a degree in economics from the University of Reutlingen and business administration from Middlesex University in London.

Karim Barkawi

Karim Barkawi

Chairman - Barkawi Group

Karim founded Barkawi Management Consultants in 1994 and sold the consulting entity of Barkawi to Genpact (NYSE:G) in 2018. He oversees Group Strategy and Finance. As a board member he is actively engaged in selected Barkawi Group companies (B2X, KetteQ, ClearOps). Karim grew up in Germany, Egypt and the United States. He holds a degree in aerospace engineering from the Technical University in Munich.

Lutz Arnold

Lutz Arnold

Managing Director - Teqport

Lutz joined Barkawi Group in 2001 as a supply chain management professional at Barkawi Management Consultants. He was part of the Teqport team when the company was launched in 2007 and held senior positions as COO and CFO until he was appointed Managing Director in 2021. Lutz holds a degree in industrial engineering and management from the Technical University of Berlin.

Mike Landry

Mike Landry

CEO - KetteQ

Mike is the CEO of ketteQ. Previously, Mike was SVP and Global Leader for the Genpact Supply Chain Service Line until June 2022 and President of Barkawi North America until Barkawi Management Consultants was acquired by Genpact in 2018. He is also the founder of Servigistics, a best-in-class supply chain software acquired by PTC Inc. in 2010. Mike has a degree in computer science from Georgia Tech and a master’s in business and economics from Georgia State University.

Robert Kunze

Robert Kunze

Managing Director - Barkawi Technologies

Robert is in charge of Global Ventures and Investment Management. As a board member he is actively engaged in selected Barkawi Group companies (B2X, KetteQ, ClearOps). Robert joined Barkawi in 2011. He holds an B.A. degree from CBS International Business School, as well as an MBA degree from the Technical University in Munich.

Sebastian Neubeck

Sebastian Neubeck

Managing Director - Teqport

Sebastian co-founded Teqport together with Barkawi Holding in 2007. Prior to leading the expansion of Teqport and its subsidiaries he was Senior Manager in the telecommunications practice of Barkawi Management Consultants. Sebastian holds a degree in economics and business administration from the University of Düsseldorf.

Tobias Rzychon

Tobias Rzychon

Investment Director

Tobias joined Barkawi Group in 2022 as Investment Director. Prior to joining Barkawi, he gained deep expertise in venture management and scaling startups at Westwing, Freeletics, 7Ventures and Amazon. Tobias holds a B.Sc. degree in business administration from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich as well as a Master’s degree in business innovation from the University of St. Gallen (HSG).

William Barkawi

William Barkawi

CEO - ClearOps

Before William took over the role at ClearOps in 2020, he was Product Manager and Head of Business Analytics at Teqcycle. Prior to joining Barkawi Group he established and ran a web and platform development firm. William holds a degree in Economics and Engineering from the Technical University of Munich.



Das weltweite Barkawi Team besteht aus talentierten, engagierten und smarten Teamplayern. Für die Umsetzung unserer ambitionierten Wachstumsziele suchen wir kontinuierlich Kollegen, die unternehmerisch denken und handeln, die gerne mit Herz und Leidenschaft tätig sind und die sich in einem internationalen, multikulturellen und toleranten Umfeld wohlfühlen.

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